COTA (NT) Incorporated Annual General Meeting
Medicines information for seniors
COTA, in partnership with NPS: Better choices, Better health, delivers free information sessions to Australian seniors, to help you get the best out of your medicines.
Independent, not-for-profit and evidence based, NPS enables better decisions about medicines and medical tests. NPS is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.
NPS produces free resources to help you with your medicines, including:
Medicines List
The Medicines List is a handy tool you can use to record the medicines you take. Keep your medicines list up-to-date and bring it with you when you visit the doctor. Some of the most important things you need to know — what your medicine is for, how much to use and when to use it — are on the medicines list.
Sleep quiz
How well do you sleep? Take the quiz* on the NPS website to learn about the quality of your sleep. You can use the results from the sleep quiz to discuss any concerns with your doctor.
Visit www.nps.org.au/sleep for some useful tips to help you get to sleep – and stay asleep.

Written by consumers for consumers, MedicinesTalk is a free quarterly newsletter that gives you reliable, accurate information and useful hints on managing your medicines.

Be MedicineWise flyer
It can be a challenge to keep track of everything you need to know about your medicines and what to discuss with your doctor or pharmacist.
NPS has developed the Be MedicineWise flyer to remind you of the things you can do to learn about, discuss and manage your health and medicines. Click here to order.

Managing chronic pain
NPS and Arthritis NSW have developed a booklet to help you manage your arthritis pain, in consultation with your doctor and other health professionals. The booklet includes a pain diary to help you track your levels of pain. An information brochure about arthritis pain is also available in traditional Chinese script.
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